Where Do Members Of Congress Stand On Anti-Semitism?

Len Berman and Michael Riedel talked with Representative Anthony D'Esposito from New York's 4th Congressional District about Columbia University Facility members testifying in front of Congress about the school's perceived antisemitic leanings.

D'Esposito co-sponsored a bill condemning the phrase "From the River to The Sea" because it is antisemitic. D'Esposito said the reason behind the bill is to send a message to members of Congress. I want to make them go on the record and tell the American people and their constituents where they stand. Do they stand with our greatest ally Israel, or do they stand in the shadows with antisemites who continue to rise every day? We see this throughout our educational institutions, hate speech and antisemitism attacks are allowed to rein free, and they must be stopped.

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