The Best & Worst States To Retire: NJ/NY In Top 5

Are you dreaming of the day when you can say goodbye to the office and head to a beach for good? While you may have a specific place in mind for the latter part of your life, not every state is all that great for it, and a new report reveals which ones are the best and the worst. 

  • WalletHub looked at all 50 states to determine which are the best and worst to retire to.
  • They judged each state based on 45 key indicators in areas of affordability, healthcare and overall quality of life.
  • Now we we've all heard jokes about Florida being filled with old people, and they're funny, because apparently they are true.
  • Florida once again tops the list as the best state to retire in.
  • The Sunshine state scored a 61.09 out of 100 and landing at four for affordability, and six for overall quality of life as well.
  • Alabama, which ranks 27thoverall, is tops for affordability, while New Hampshire, 10thoverall, is tops for quality of life and Hawaii, 18thoverall, is number one for health care. 

Ten Best States For Retirement

  1. Florida
  2. Colorado
  3. Delaware
  4. Virginia
  5. North Dakota
  6. Montana
  7. Idaho
  8. Utah
  9. Minnesota
  10. New Hampshire 
  • On the flipside, retirees are going to want to stay clear of New Jersey, which is dead last and scores only a 37.41, and is dead last for affordability and in the bottom half for quality of life and healthcare.


Ten Worst States For Retirement

  1. New Jersey
  2. New York
  3. Mississippi
  4. New Mexico
  5. Rhode Island
  6. Kentucky
  7. West Virginia
  8. Connecticut
  9. Texas
  10. Illinois


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